This is a collection of 6 episodes of Akant, art by Bogicevic in the 1960s, with classical comics adventures of a young Slavic warrior in the early days when Slavs populated the Balkan peninsula.
Bogicevic's stories about a young Slav's warrior Akant belong at the climax of Serbian and Yugoslavian comics of that era. (Vasa Pavković, writer and comics critic)
Bogičević was a restless soul, very talented, and he did not see comics as the only way of expression, but as a one of many opportunities. (Zdravko Zupan, comics author, historian and editor)
The book can be also bought as an electronic book on Amazon, DriveThruComics and comiXology iin different electronic fomats and at a higher price.
The book can be bought as a paper book on Amazon.