Feed the Beast

These short stories by Matjaz Bertoncelj are his intimate and emotional reaction to the insensitive world around him, portrayed through powerful black and white images and enigmatic narrative.


Bertoncelj’s drawings are not beautiful and elegant, but very effective. Avoiding realism, the author offers a graphic quality that makes it possible to conceive a drawn object. Then, by destroying the structure of the present world, he seeks to more clearly convey feelings. (Aleksandar Manić, essayist and comics critic)

First 24 pages:
Adobe Acrobat document [8.5 MB]
Feed the Beast
2.10 GBP

By Matjaz Bertoncelj - ebook (PDF format) in ENGLISH, 68 b/w pages, introduction by Aleksandar Manic.


The book can be also bought on Amazon, DriveThruComics and comiXology in different electronic fomats and at a higher price.


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