Poposhak and Flowers - Cosmic Barn

This is a beautifully drawn and painted fairy tale for children and adults by Nikolic and Wostok.


"Even though, as Wostok has explained, the comics began with his interest in his daughter Lola’s vocabulary and understanding of the world around her, in Cosmic Barn it is obvious that authors let their imagination to develop quite an incredible story. (Pavle Zelic, writer and comics critic, from the introduction of the e-book in English)

First 29 pages:
Nikolic_Cosmic Barn_ebook_first 29 pages[...]
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Poposhak and Flowers - Cosmic Barn
3.15 GBP

By Vladan Nikolic and Wostok - ebook (PDF format) in ENGLISH, 110 colour pages, introduction by Pavle Zelic


The book can be also bought on Amazon, DriveThruComics and comiXology in different electronic fomats and at a higher price.


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